Reintroducing Big Damn Films
We're excited to announce that Big Damn Films has returned after a nine-year hiatus. Big Damn Films is returning as a for profit production and distribution company. Our motto is to “Boldly Go Where We Should Have Gone Ten Years Ago.” We are coming back with a five-year plan, a partnership that we're excited to announce and at least a film a year for the next five to six years coming out through our distribution chain.
Big Damn Films owners Michael C. Dougherty (left) and Logan Liskovec (right).
So, what does that look like?
Well, we're excited to announce that we have a five-year deal with Dark Stone Entertainment to help produce, market and distribute their films starting with Knight of the Blue Moon coming up October 2023.
We're also excited to announce that we return production on Z Con in 2024, with rewards going out to supporters of Q1 pre-production taking place in Q1 and Q2, filming and post-production in Q3 and targeting a release around Halloween for 2024.
So, a little bit of back story. Browncoats Big Damn Fan Films was the business name of Big Damn Films when it started in 2009 when we released Browncoats: Redemption, which was a nonprofit project. The initial idea for Big Damn Films back then was we all got together, volunteered our time, made feature length films, distributed it for charity.
We did amazing work with Browncoats: Redemption. We raised over $117,000 for charity, distributing that equally between five charities. We shipped the DVD from Blu ray from our living rooms to around the world.
But Big Damn Films, the company and brand, was never put forward. It was always the projects.
And with this new launch with the company that changes.
Big Damn Films is here to stay as a for profit company. There's going to be a lot of great things coming down the line.
The rest of 2023 will be about relaunching the company, getting Darkstone Entertainments “Knight of the Blue Moon” out, and get rolling with 2024 so we can hit the ground running January 2024.
Our schedule will be to release at least a movie a year beginning 2023 and we're looking forward to sharing more updates.
Check out the Big Damn Podcast, which will come out in July.
Check out all our socials, pretty much go to Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube and look for @BigDamnFilms and you'll find us and we look forward to sharing more in the future.
Talk to you soon.